
Constantin Paleologu was born in Romania in 1975. In 1998 he received a M.Sc. degree in telecommunications networks from Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Romania. He also received a masters degree in digital signal processing in 1999, and a Ph.D. degree (MAGNA CUM LAUDE) in adaptive signal processing in 2003, both from the same institution. As a Ph.D. student (from December 1999 to July 2003), he worked on adaptive filters and echo cancellation. Since October 1998 he has been a member of the Telecommunications Department of UPB, where currently is a Professor.

His research interests include adaptive filtering algorithms, sparse systems, acoustic signal processing, echo cancellation, noise reduction, and DSP/FPGA implementation. He co-authored 8 books/chapters, published more than 240 papers in journals and conference proceedings, and was the coordinator of 7 research grants. He received the Gheorghe Cartianu Award from the Romanian Academy (in 2010), the IN TEMPORE OPPORTUNOAward from University Politehnica of Bucharest (in 2010), and the In Hoc Signo VincesAward (MAGNA CUM LAUDE) from the Romanian National Research Council (in 2009). He also received 19 paper awards at international conferences.

Constantin Paleologu is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He serves as a reviewer for several international journals (IEEE, IET, Elsevier, Eurasip, Wiley, etc.) and as a chair/member of the Technical Program Committee and Organizing Committee for many international conferences. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements. He is a Fellow of the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) from 2008 and an Associate Member of the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR) from 2023.


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Room B03

Department of Telecommunications

Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology

University Politehnica of Bucharest

1-3, Iuliu Maniu Blvd., 061071 Bucharest, ROMANIA


RESEARCH GRANTS (as coordinator)

  1. Novel sparsity-aware adaptive algorithms for acoustic applications (NARALAN), 2022 –2024 (2 years), Grant UEFISCDI, PN-III-PCE.
  2. New adaptive algorithms with variable convergence, 2010 – 2013 (3 years), Grant UEFISCDI, PN-II-RU-TE.
  3. Adaptive noise cancellation methods for multi-channel voice communication systems, 2007 – 2010 (3 years), Grant UEFISCSU, PN-II-PCE.
  4. Solutions for performance enhancement of multi-channel acoustic echo canceller. Applications in teleconferencing systems, 2007 – 2008 (2 years), Grant CNCSIS, AT.
  5. Contributions to performance enhancement of acoustic echo canceller used in hands-free communications systems, 2006 – 2008 (2 years), Grant MEC-UEFISCSU, CEEX-ET.
  6. New adaptive receivers for code division multiple access communications systems, 2006 – 2008 (2 years), Grant MEC-UEFISCSU, CEEX-ET.
  7. A new family of least squares adaptive algorithms suitable for finite precision implementation. Applications in telecommunications networks, 2004 – 2005 (2 years), Grant CNCSIS, AT.



  1. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Identification of multilinear systems: a brief overview,” chapter 2, in Principal Component Analysis. Fausto Pedro García Márquez (Editor), IntechOpen, London, UK, 2022.
  2. C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Efficient FPGA implementation of a CTC turbo decoder for WiMAX/ LTE mobile systems,” in Field-Programmable Gate Array. George Dekoulis (Editor), IntechOpen, Rijeka, Croatia, 2017.

3.      C. Paleologu and D. Munteanu, Speech Processing - 2nd edition (in Romanian). Politehnica Press, Bucharest, Romania, 2013.

  1. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, T. Gaensler, and S. Ciochina, A Perspective on Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2011.
  2. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, Sparse Adaptive Filters for Echo Cancellation. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, USA, 2010 / Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2022 (reprint).
  3. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Variable step-size adaptive filters for echo cancellation,” chapter 4, pp. 89-125, in Speech Processing in Modern Communication: Challenges and Perspectives. I. Cohen, J. Benesty, S. Gannot (Editors), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
  4. C. Paleologu and D. Munteanu, Speech Processing (in Romanian). Printech, Bucharest, Romania, 2008.
  5. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A.A. Enescu, RLS Adaptive Algorithms (in Romanian). Printech, Bucharest, Romania, 2007.



  1. L. M. Dogariu, R. L. Costea, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “A fourth-order tensorial Wiener filter using the conjugate gradient method,” Symmetry, vol. 16, 2024:1433, Oct. 2024 (18 pages).
  2. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and F. Albu, “Kalman filter using a third-order tensorial decomposition of the impulse response,” Applied Sciences, vol. 14, 2024:4507, May 2024 (17 pages).
  3. B. Morosanu, M. Negru, and C. Paleologu, “Automated personalized loudness control for multi-track recordings,” Algorithms, vol. 17, 2024:228, May 2024 (15 pages).
  4. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, C. L. Stanciu, R. L. Costea, L. M. Dogariu, and S. Ciochina, “Wiener filter using the conjugate gradient method and a third-order tensor decomposition,” Applied Sciences, vol. 14, 2024:2430, Mar. 2024 (22 pages).
  5. C. L. Stanciu, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, R. L. Costea, L. M. Dogariu, and S. Ciochina, “Decomposition-based Wiener filter using the Kronecker product and conjugate gradient method,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 32, pp. 124-138, Jan. 2024.
  6. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. L. Stanciu, J. R. Jensen, M. G. Christensen, and S. Ciochina, “Recursive least-squares algorithm based on a third-order tensor decomposition for low-rank system identification,” Signal Processing, vol. 213, id. 109216, Dec. 2023 (10 pages).
  7. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and L. M. Dogariu, “An iterative Wiener filter based on a fourth-order tensor decomposition,” Symmetry, vol. 15, 2023:1560, Aug. 2023 (18 pages).
  8. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Linear system identification based on a third-order tensor decomposition,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 30, pp. 503-507, May 2023.
  9. I. D. Ficiu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “Low-complexity data-reuse RLS algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” Applied Sciences, vol. 13, 2023:2227, Feb. 2023 (16 pages).
  10. D. F. Chiper and C. Paleologu, “Efficient algorithms and architectures for DSP applications,” Electronics, vol. 12, 2023:1012, Feb. 2023 (4 pages).
  11. L. M. Dogariu, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Identification of room acoustic impulse responses via Kronecker product decompositions,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 30, pp. 2828-2841, Sept. 2022.
  12. A. C. Becker, E. V. Kuhn, M. V. Matsuo, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, L. M. Dogariu, and S. Ciochina, “Stochastic model for the LMS algorithm with symmetric/ antisymmetric properties,Symmetry, vol. 14, 2022:1908, Sept. 2022 (12 pages).
  13. K. J. Bakri, E. V. Kuhn, R. Seara, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “On the stochastic modeling of the LMS algorithm operating with bilinear forms,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 122, id. 103359, Apr. 2022 (16 pages).
  14. I. D. Ficiu, J. Benesty, L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Efficient algorithms for linear system identification with particular symmetric filters,” Applied Sciences, vol. 12, 2022:4263, Apr. 2022 (26 pages).
  15. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Data-reuse recursive least-squares algorithms,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 29, pp. 752-756, Mar. 2022.
  16. A. G. Rusu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A variable step size normalized least-mean-square algorithm based on data reuse,” Algorithms, vol. 15, 2022:111, Mar. 2022 (15 pages).
  17. A. G. Rusu, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “Cascaded RLS adaptive filters based on a Kronecker product decomposition,” Electronics, vol. 11, 2022:409, Jan. 2022 (15 pages).
  18. L. M. Dogariu, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “An insightful overview of the Wiener filter for system identification,” Applied Sciences, vol. 11, 2021:7774, Aug. 2021 (20 pages).
  19. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, L. M. Dogariu, and S. Ciochina, “Identification of linear and bilinear systems: a unified study,” Electronics, vol. 10, 2021:1790, July 2021 (33 pages).
  20. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, C. Oprea, and S. Ciochina, “A Kalman filter for multilinear forms and its connection with tensorial adaptive filters,” Sensors, vol. 21, 2021:3555, May 2021 (21 pages).
  21. L. M. Dogariu, C. Stanciu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Tensor-based adaptive filtering algorithms,” Symmetry, vol. 13, 2021:481, Apr. 2021 (27 pages).
  22. R. E. Mihaescu, M. Chindea, C. Paleologu, S. Carata, and M. Ghenescu, “Person re-identification across data distributions based on general purpose DNN object detector,” Algorithms, vol. 13, 2020:343, Dec. 2020 (26 pages).
  23. C. Elisei-Iliescu, L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, A. A. Enescu, and S. Ciochina, “A recursive least-squares algorithm for the identification of trilinear forms,” Algorithms, vol. 13, 2020:135, June 2020 (18 pages).
  24. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “An efficient Kalman filter for the identification of low-rank systems,” Signal Processing, vol. 166, id. 106237, Jan. 2020 (9 pages).
  25. A. G. Rusu, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “An optimized differential step-size LMS algorithm,” Algorithms, vol. 12, 2019:147, Aug. 2019 (15 pages).
  26. R. F. Trifan, A. A. Enescu, and C. Paleologu, “Hybrid MU-MIMO precoding based on K-means user clustering,” Algorithms, vol. 12, 2019:146, July 2019 (18 pages).
  27. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “Recursive least-squares algorithms for the identification of low-rank systems,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 27, pp. 903-918, May 2019.
  28. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, J. Benesty, and C. Paleologu, “System identification based on tensor decompositions: A trilinear approach,” Symmetry, vol. 11, 2019:556, Apr. 2019 (19 pages).
  29. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “A connection between the Kalman filter and an optimized LMS algorithm for bilinear forms,” Algorithms, vol. 11, 2018:211, Dec. 2018 (26 pages).
  30. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “Efficient recursive least-squares algorithms for the identification of bilinear forms,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 280-296, Dec. 2018.
  31. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Linear system identification based on a Kronecker product decomposition,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 26, pp. 1793-1808, Oct. 2018.
  32. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Adaptive filtering for the identification of bilinear forms,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 75, pp. 153-167, Apr. 2018.
  33. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “A practical overview of recursive least-squares algorithms for echo cancellation,” International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, vol. 10, pp. 96-104, Dec. 2017.
  34. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “On the identification of bilinear forms with the Wiener filter,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 24, pp. 653-657, May 2017.
  35. C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “LTE turbo decoding parallel architecture with single interleaver implemented on FPGA,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, vol. 36, pp. 1455-1475, Apr. 2017.
  36. C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Novel parallel CTC turbo decoder architecture for LTE systems,” Scientific Bulletin of University Politehnica of Bucharest, Series C – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 99-112, 2017.
  37. C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and C. Paleologu, “Efficient recursive implementation of a quadratic permutation polynomial interleaver for LTE systems,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 53-57, 2016.
  38. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “An optimized NLMS algorithm for system identification,” Signal Processing, vol. 118, pp. 115-121, Jan. 2016.
  39. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, J. Benesty, and S. L. Grant, “An overview on optimized NLMS algorithms for acoustic echo cancellation,” EURASIP Journal Advances Signal Processing, 2015, 2015:97 (19 pages).
  40. C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Efficient field programmable gate array implementation of a convolutional turbo code for long term evolution systems,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 163-173, 2015.
  41. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Widely linear general Kalman filter for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” Signal Processing, vol. 94, pp. 570-575, Jan. 2014.
  42. C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “On a robust dual-path DCD-RLS algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” Trans. Electronics and Communications, vol. 58, pp. 9-14, Dec. 2013.
  43. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Study of the general Kalman filter for echo cancellation,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 21, pp. 1539-1549, Aug. 2013.
  44. C. Stanciu, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, T. Gaensler, and S. Ciochina, “A widely linear model for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” Signal Processing, vol. 93, pp. 511-516, Feb. 2013.
  45. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “On regularization in adaptive filtering,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 19, pp. 1734-1742, Aug. 2011.
  46. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Regularization of the RLS algorithm,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E94-A, pp. 1628-1629, Aug. 2011.
  47. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Regularization of the affine projection algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems–II: Express Briefs, vol. 58, pp. 366-370, June 2011.
  48. C. Oprea, C. Paleologu, I. Pirnog, and R. M. Udrea, “Saliency detection making use of human visual perception modelling,” International Journal Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 2, no 3&4, pp. 200-208, 2010.
  49. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, and Y. Zakharov, “The recursive affine projection algorithm for active noise control,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 416-425, 2010.
  50. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Proportionate adaptive filters from a basis pursuit perspective,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 17, pp. 985-988, Dec. 2010.
  51. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and J. Benesty, “An efficient proportionate affine projection algorithm for echo cancellation,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 17, pp. 165-168, Feb. 2010.
  52. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, A family of variable step-size NLMS algorithms for echo cancellation,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 49-58, 2010.
  53. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “A family of recursive least-squares adaptive algorithms suitable for fixed-point implementation,” International Journal Advances in Telecommunications, vol. 2, no. 2&3, pp. 88-97, 2009.
  54. C. Paleologu, F. Albu, A. A. Enescu, and S. Ciochina, “Modified SRF-QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm with improved numerical robustness,” International Journal Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 56-65, 2009.
  55. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A variable step-size affine projection algorithm designed for acoustic echo cancellation,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol. 16, pp. 1466-1478, Nov. 2008.
  56. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A robust variable forgetting factor recursive least-squares algorithm for system identification,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 15, pp. 597-600, 2008.
  57. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and J. Benesty, “Variable step-size NLMS algorithm for under-modeling acoustic echo cancellation,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 15, pp. 5-8, 2008.
  58. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A variable step-size proportionate NLMS algorithm for echo cancellation,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 309-317, 2008.
  59. C. Paleologu, C. Vladeanu, and S. El Assad, “Fast convergence least-mean-square algorithms for MMSE receivers in DS-CDMA systems,” International Journal Advances in Networks and Services, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-39, 2008.
  60. C. Vladeanu, C. Paleologu, and I. Marghescu, “Multilevel chaos-based spreading sequences for DS-CDMA system performance improvement,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 319-328, 2008.
  61. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “A family of RLSL adaptive algorithms suitable for fixed-point implementation,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 343-358, 2007.
  62. C. Vladeanu and C. Paleologu, “Fast convergence adaptive MMSE receiver for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 51-60, 2007.
  63. C. Paleologu, A. A. Enescu, and S. Ciochina, “A network echo canceler based on a SRF QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm implemented on Motorola StarCore SC140 DSP,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, vol. 3124, pp. 560-567, 2004.
  64. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “On the behaviour of two square root free QRD-LSL adaptive algorithms in fixed-point DSP implementation,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 387-399, 2002.
  65. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “On the fixed-point implementation of the square root free QRD-LSL adaptive algorithms,” Scientific Bulletin of University Politehnica of Bucharest, Series C – Electrical Engineering, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 33-44, 2002.
  66. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “Modified versions of QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm with lower computational complexity,” Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 333-352, 2001.



  1. R. Otopeleanu, L. M. Dogariu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A data-reuse regularized recursive least-squares adaptive filtering algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2024 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  2. R. Otopeleanu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. L. Stanciu, and C. Anghel, “On the forgetting factors of the RLS algorithm based on third-order tensor decomposition,” in Proc. IEEE SIITME, 2024 (4 pages), Sibiu, Romania.
  3. V. Patel, S. S. Bhattacharjee, C. Paleologu, M. G. Christensen, J. Benesty, and J. R. Jensen, A third-order tensor decomposition based linear-in-the-parameters nonlinear adaptive filter,” in Proc. International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 2024, pp. 294-298, Aalborg, Denmark.
  4. R. Otopeleanu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Regularized RLS algorithm based on third-order tensor decomposition,” in Proc. IEEE Conference Advanced Topics on Measurement and Simulation (ATOMS), 2024, pp. 323-326, Constanta, Romania.
  5. C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, C. Elisei-Iliescu, L. M. Dogariu, I. D. Ficiu, and C. Paleologu, “On the regularization of a low-complexity recursive least-squares adaptive algorithm,” in Proc. ADAPTIVE, 2024, pp. 26-28, Venice, Italy. *Paper Award*
  6. I. D. Ficiu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, C. Stanciu, and C. Anghel, “Design of third-order tensorial RLS adaptive filtering algorithms,” in Proc. SIGNAL, 2024, pp. 28-32, Athens, Greece. *Paper Award*
  7. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. L. Stanciu, R. L. Costea, L. M. Dogariu, and S. Ciochina, “Iterative Wiener filter based on third-order tensor decomposition and coordinate descent method,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), 2023, pp. 156-161, Galati, Romania.
  8. B. Morosanu, M. Negru, A. Neacsu, C. Negrescu, and C. Paleologu, “Personalized multi-track leveling algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2023, pp. 24-29, Bucharest, Romania.
  9. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. L. Stanciu, and S. Ciochina, “A decomposition-based Kalman filter for the identification of acoustic impulse responses,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2023, pp. 351-355, Helsinki, Finland.
  10. C. L. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, R. L. Costea, L. M. Dogariu, and S. Ciochina, “Iterative Wiener filter using a Kronecker product decomposition and the coordinate descent method,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2023 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  11. R. A. Dobre, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and F. Albu, “On the decomposition parameter of the RLS algorithm based on the nearest Kronecker product,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2023 (4 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  12. I. D. Ficiu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation with the RLS algorithm using the conjugate gradient method,” in Proc. International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI), 2023 (3 pages), Tenerife, Spain.
  13. I. D. Ficiu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, and F. Albu, “On the performance of a low-complexity data-reuse RLS algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT), 2023 (4 pages), Venice, Italy. *Paper Award*
  14. I. D. Ficiu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. L. Stanciu, and C. Anghel, “A decomposition-based RLS algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2022 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  15. I. D. Ficiu, L. M. Dogariu, R. L. Costea, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A Kalman filter for the identification of impulse responses with particular symmetry features,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2022 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  16. J. Benesty, L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “An iterative Wiener filter for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2022, pp. 366-370, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  17. G. Huang, J. Benesty, J. Chen, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, W. Kellermann, and I. Cohen, “Acoustic system identification with partially time-varying models based on tensor decompositions,” in Proc. International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 2022, pp. 1-5, Bamberg, Germany.
  18. L. M. Dogariu, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “An iterative Wiener filter for the identification of impulse responses with particular symmetric properties,” in Proc. SPIE ATOM-N, 2022 (9 pages), Constanta, Romania.
  19. I. D. Ficiu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “Low-complexity data-reuse RLS algorithm with increased robustness features,” in Proc. SPIE ATOM-N, 2022 (9 pages), Constanta, Romania.
  20. I. D. Ficiu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Anghel, and C. Paleologu, “A data-reuse approach for the RLS-DCD algorithm,” in Proc. IARIA Congress, 2022, pp. 85-86, Nice, France. *Paper Award*
  21. A. G. Rusu, L. M. Dogariu, R. L. Costea, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S Ciochina, “A variable step-size affine projection algorithm based on data reuse,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2022, pp. 399-402, virtual. *Paper Award*
  22. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. Ciochina, E. V. Kuhn, A. C. Becker, and M. V. Matsuo,An Affine Projection Algorithm for the Identification of Impulse Responses with Symmetric/Antisymmetric Characteristics,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2022, pp. 254-259, virtual.
  23. I. D. Ficiu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. L. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and C. Anghel, “An RLS algorithm for the identification of impulse responses with particular symmetric properties,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2022 (4 pages), Ploiesti, Romania.
  24. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “On the performance of a data-reuse fast RLS algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE BlackSeaCom, 2022, pp. 135-140, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  25. J. Benesty, L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Efficient identification of acoustic linear systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2022, pp. 1-6, Bucharest, Romania.
  26. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, E. V. Kuhn, K. J. Bakri, and R. Seara, “LMS and NLMS algorithms for the identification of impulse responses with intrinsic symmetric or antisymmetric properties,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 5662-5666, Singapore.
  27. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “On the identification of symmetric and antisymmetric impulse responses,” in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2021, pp. 810-814, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  28. I. D. Ficiu, C. Stanciu, L. M. Dogariu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, and C. Paleologu, “Tensor-based recursive least-squares algorithm with low computational complexity,” in Proc. SENSORCOMM, 2021, Athens, Greece. *Paper Award*
  29. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Improved affine projection algorithm for the identification of multilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE SIITME, 2021 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  30. A. G. Rusu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “Cascaded adaptive filters in a multilinear approach for system identification,” in Proc. IEEE SIITME, 2021 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  31. A. G. Rusu, L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “A data-reuse approach for an optimized LMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2021 (6 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  32. R. E. Mihaescu, M. Chindea, S. Carata, M. Ghenescu, and C. Paleologu, “A fully autonomous person re-identification system,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2021 (6 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  33. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Identification of multilinear forms with the tensorial Kalman filter,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2021, pp. 235-238, virtual.
  34. I. D. Ficiu, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, and L. Stanciu, “Combinations of adaptive filters within the multilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2021 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  35. L. M. Dogariu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A tensorial affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2021 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  36. K. J. Bakri, E. V. Kuhn, M. V. Matsuo, R. Seara, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “On the stochastic modeling of the NLMS algorithm operating with bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE SSP, 2021, pp. 36-40, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  37. C. Dragoi, C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Efficient FPGA implementation of classic audio effects,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2021 (6 pages), Pitesti, Romania.
  38. C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “A practical controlled NLMS algorithm for network echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE BlackSeaCom, 2021 (5 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  39. I. D. Ficiu, L. M. Dogariu, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Identification of multilinear forms using combinations of adaptive algorithms,” in Proc. SIGNAL, 2021, pp. 11-12, Valencia, Spain.
  40. I. D. Ficiu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Variable-regularized low-complexity RLS adaptive algorithms for bilinear forms,” in Proc. ADAPTIVE, 2021, pp. 9-12, Porto, Portugal. *Paper Award*
  41. J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, C. C. Oprea, and S. Ciochina, “An iterative multichannel Wiener filter based on a Kronecker product decomposition,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2020, pp. 211-215, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  42. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Oprea, and S. Ciochina, “LMS algorithms for multilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2020 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  43. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, and C. Anghel, “A regularized RLS algorithm for the identification of third-order tensors,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2020 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  44. R. E. Mihăescu, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and J. Benesty, “On the performance of LMS-based algorithms for the identification of low-rank systems,” in Proc. IEEE SIITME, 2020, pp. 63-66, Pitesti, Romania.
  45. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and C. Oprea, “An iterative Wiener filter for the identification of multilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2020, pp. 193-197, Milan, Italy.
  46. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “A multichannel recursive least-squares algorithm based on a Kronecker product decomposition,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2020, pp. 14-18, Milan, Italy.
  47. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “A decomposition-based RLS algorithm with variable forgetting factors,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2020, pp. 43-48, Bucharest, Romania.
  48. L. M. Dogariu, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A proportionate affine projection algorithm for the identification of sparse bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2019 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  49. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, J. Benesty, and C. Paleologu, “An iterative Wiener filter for the identification of trilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2019, pp. 88-93, Budapest, Hungary. *Paper Award*
  50. A. G. Rusu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “On the step-size optimization of the LMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2019, pp. 168-173, Budapest, Hungary.
  51. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A recursive least-squares algorithm based on the nearest Kronecker product decomposition,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019, pp. 4843-4847, Brighton, UK.
  52. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “Regularized recursive least-squares algorithms for the identification of bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2018 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  53. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and P. Piantanida, “An optimized LMS algorithm for bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2018 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  54. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “Low-complexity RLS algorithms for the identification of bilinear forms,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2018, pp. 455-459, Rome, Italy.
  55. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, and R. Tamas, “On the performance of the variable-regularized recursive least-squares algorithms,” in Proc. SPIE ATOM-N, 2018 (6 pages), Constanta, Romania. *Paper Award*
  56. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “A proportionate NLMS algorithm for the identification of sparse bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE TSP, 2018, pp. 698-701, Athens, Greece.
  57. R. F. Trifan and C. Paleologu, “Non-linear precoding performance in spatio-temporally correlated MU-MIMO channels,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2018, pp. 181-186, Bucharest, Romania.
  58. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “On the properties of the system mismatch covariance matrix in the LMS adaptive algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2018, pp. 39-44, Bucharest, Romania.
  59. L. M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, J. Benesty, and P. Piantanida, “Identification of bilinear forms with the Kalman filter,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018, pp. 4134-4138, Calgary, Canada.
  60. R. A. Dobre, C. Paleologu, C. Negrescu, and D. Stanomir, “A method for recovering speech signals heavily masked by music based on the affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. COMPUTATION TOOLS, 2018, pp. 29-34, Barcelona, Spain.
  61. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, R. A. Dobre, and S. Ciochina, “An RLS algorithm for the identification of bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE SIITME, 2017, pp. 292-295, Constanta, Romania.
  62. R. F. Trifan, A. A. Enescu, and C. Paleologu, “A preview on MIMO systems in 5G new radio,” Proc. FABULOUS, 2017, pp. 32-38, Bucharest, Romania.
  63. R. Mihaescu, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “On the regularization of the memory-improved proportionate affine projection algorithm,”Proc. FABULOUS, 2017, pp. 151-157, Bucharest, Romania.
  64. R. A. Dobre, C. Paleologu, C. Negrescu, and D. Stanomir, “Investigation on a multimedia forensic noise reduction method based on proportionate adaptive algorithms,”Proc. FABULOUS, 2017, pp. 179-184, Bucharest, Romania.
  65. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “An NLMS algorithm for the identification of bilinear forms,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2017, pp. 2689-2693, Kos, Greece.
  66. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “Analysis of an LMS algorithm for bilinear forms,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2017 (5 pages), London, UK.
  67. L. M. Dogariu, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and P. Piantanida, “An adaptive solution for nonlinear system identification,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2017 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  68. V. A. Nita, R. A. Dobre, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “Improved convergence model of the affine projection algorithm for system identification,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2017 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  69. R. A. Dobre, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, C. Negrescu, and D. Stanomir, “Investigation on the performances of APA in forensic noise reduction,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2017 (6 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  70. I. Albu, C. Anghel, and C. Paleologu, “Adaptive filtering in acoustic echo cancellation systems – A practical overview,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2017 (6 pages), Targoviste, Romania.
  71. C. Elisei-Iliescu and C. Paleologu, “Recursive least-squares algorithms for echo cancellation - An overview and open issues,” in Proc. International Conference on Networks (ICN), 2017, pp. 87-91, Venice, Italy. *Paper Award*
  72. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Anghel, and S. Ciochina, “Robust variable-regularized RLS algorithms,” in Proc. IEEE HSCMA, 2017, pp. 171-175, San Franciso, USA.
  73. C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and J. Benesty, “FPGA implementation of an optimized NLMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2016 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  74. R. A. Dobre, C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, C. Negrescu, and D. Stanomir, “Robust audio forensic software for recovering speech signals drowned in loud music,” in Proc. IEEE SIITME, 2016 (4 pages), Oradea, Romania.
  75. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. L. Grant, and A. Anghel, “A family of optimized LMS-based algorithms for system identification,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2016, pp. 1803-1807, Budapest, Hungary.
  76. C. Elisei-Iliescu, C. Paleologu, and R. Tamas, “On the performance of variable forgetting factor recursive least-squares algorithms,” in Proc. SPIE ATOM-N, 2016 (6 pages), Constanta, Romania.
  77. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, and M. Stenta, “Robust regularization of the recursive least-squares algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2016 (4 pages), Ploiesti, Romania. *Invited Paper*
  78. C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and J. Benesty, “On the numerical properties of an optimized NLMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2016 (4 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  79. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. L. Grant, “An optimized proportionate adaptive algorithm for sparse system identification,” in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2015, pp. 1546-1550, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  80. C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, and C. Stanciu, “Performances evaluation of CTC turbo decoder for LTE systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium ELMAR, 2015, pp. 89-92, Zadar, Croatia.
  81. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and C. Anghel, “An optimized affine projection algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2015, pp. 159-164, Bucharest, Romania.
  82. I. Pirnog, R. O. Preda, C. Oprea, and C. Paleologu, “Automatic lesion segmentation for melanoma diagnostics in macroscopic images,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015, pp. 659-663, Nice, France.
  83. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and  S. L. Grant, “An optimized NLMS algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2015 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  84. R. A. Dobre, V. A. Nita, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “New insights on the convergence analysis of the affine projection algorithm for system identification,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2015 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  85. C. Anghel, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “Sorting methods used in parallel turbo decoding for LTE systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2015 (4 pages), Iasi, Romania.
  86. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, J. Benesty, and  R. Caramalau, “On the performance of an optimized NLMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2015 (6 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  87. C. Anghel and C. Paleologu, “2G ultra low cost mobile phone positioning without GPS,” in Proc. Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), 2015, pp. 53-56, Brussels, Belgium. *Paper Award*
  88. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. L. Grant,  and S. Ciochina, “A Kalman filter for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2014, pp. 1639-1643, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  89. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A practical variable forgetting factor recursive least-squares algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2014 (4 pages), Timisoara, Romania.
  90. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty,  and S. Ciochina, “A practical solution for the regularization of the affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2014 (4 pages), Bucharest, Romania.
  91. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. Ciochina, and S. L. Grant, “A Kalman filter with individual control factors for echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014, pp. 6015-6019, Florence, Italy.
  92. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. Ciochina, and V. Popescu, “Robust general Kalman filter for echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2013 (5 pages), Marrakech, Morocco.
  93. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Study of the optimal and simplified Kalman filters for echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013, pp. 580-584, Vancouver, Canada.
  94. M. Rotaru, S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “Evaluation of signal distortion methods for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2012, pp. 303-306, Timisoara, Romania.
  95. C. Paleologu and J. Benesty, “A practical data-reuse adaptive algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012, pp. 2010-2014, Bucharest, Romania.
  96. C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. Ciochina, and F. Albu, “Variable-forgetting factor RLS for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation with widely linear model,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012, pp. 1960-1964, Bucharest, Romania.
  97. C. Stanciu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, T. Gaensler, and S. Ciochina, “An efficient RLS algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation with the widely linear model,” in Proc. Inter-Noise, 2012 (12 pages), New York, USA.
  98. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “New variable step size affine projection algorithms,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2012, pp. 63-66, Bucharest, Romania.
  99. C. Paleologu and J. Benesty, “Proportionate affine projection algorithms from a basis pursuit perspective,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2012, pp. 2757-2760, Seoul, South Korea.
  100. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and F. Albu, “Regularization of the improved proportionate affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012, pp. 169-172, Kyoto, Japan.
  101. C. Stanciu, J. Benesty, C. Paleologu, T. Gaensler, and S. Ciochina, “A novel perspective on stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012, pp. 25-28, Kyoto, Japan.
  102. C. Anghel, V. Stanciu, C. Stanciu, and C. Paleologu, “CTC turbo decoding architecture for LTE systems implemented on FPGA,” in Proc. International Conference on Networks (ICN), 2012, pp. 199-204, St. Gilles, Reunion Island.
  103. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Practical regularization of the affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2011, pp. 704-708, Barcelona, Spain.
  104. C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, F. Albu, and S. Ciochina, “Fpga implementation of an efficient proportionate affine projection algorithm for echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2011, pp. 1284-1288, Barcelona, Spain.
  105. C. Stanciu, C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, F. Albu, and S. Ciochina, “A proportionate affine projection algorithm using dichotomous coordinate descent iterations,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2011, pp. 343-346, Iasi, Romania.
  106. R. M. Udrea, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Background speech cancellation using a generalized subspace speech enhancement method,” in Proc. International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI), 2011, pp. 27-30, Luxembourg. *Paper Award*
  107. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, F. Albu, and S. Ciochina, “An efficient variable step-size proportionate affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011, pp. 77-80, Prague, Czech Republic.
  108. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, T. Gaensler, and S. Ciochina, “A class of double-talk detectors based on the Holder inequality,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011, pp. 425-428, Prague, Czech Republic.
  109. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “A variable step size evolutionary affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011, pp. 429-432, Prague, Czech Republic.
  110. V. Andrei, C. Paleologu, and C. Burileanu, “Implementation of a real-time reconfigurable text dependent speaker identification system,” in Proc. International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2011, pp. 121-126, Brasov, Romania.
  111. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and A. A. Enescu, “Analysis of the least-squares adaptive algorithms in interference cancellation configuration,” in Proc. International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT), 2011, pp. 36-40, Budapest, Hungary. *Paper Award*
  112. I. Pirnog, C. Anghel, A. A. Enescu, and C. Paleologu, “Evaluation of fast algorithms for motion estimation,” in Proc. Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), 2011, pp. 107-111, St. Maarten.
  113. R. M. Udrea, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Estimation of the noise power in the NPVSS-NLMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2010, pp. 385-388, Timisoara, Romania.
  114. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, “Efficient implementation of a variable projection order affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2010, pp. 369-373, York, UK.
  115. C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “FPGA implementation of a variable step-size affine projection algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2010, pp. 532-536, Aalborg, Denmark.
  116. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “A low complexity proportionate affine projection algorithm for echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2010, pp. 6-10, Aalborg, Denmark.
  117. F. Albu and C. Paleologu, “New filtered-x recursive least square algorithm for active noise control,” in Proc. Inter-Noise, 2010 (10 pages), Lisbon, Portugal.
  118. A. A. Enescu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “Reduced complexity decoder for orthogonal space-time codes when using QAM constellations and multiple receive antennas,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT), 2010, pp. 143-148, Athens, Greece.
  119. C. Oprea, C. Paleologu, I. Pirnog, and R. M. Udrea, “Saliency detection based on human perception of visual information,” in Proc. IEEE Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), 2010, pp. 96-99, Barcelona, Spain. *Paper Award*
  120. C. Anghel, A. A. Enescu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “CTC turbo decoding architecture for H-ARQ capable WiMAX systems implemented on FPGA,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICN), 2010, pp. 65-70, Menuires, France.
  121. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “An improved proportionate NLMS algorithm based on the l0 norm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010, Dallas, USA.
  122. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. L. Grant, and C. Osterwise, “Variable step-size NLMS algorithms designed for echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2009, pp. 633-637, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  123. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, and J. Benesty, Gauss-Seidel based variable step-size affine projection algorithms for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2009, pp. 2007-2011, Glasgow, Scotland.
  124. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and A. A. Enescu, “On the influence of the forgetting factor of the RLS adaptive filter in system identification,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2009, pp. 205-208, Iasi, Romania.
  125. C. Anghel, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “FPGA implementation of an acoustic echo canceller using a VSS-NLMS algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2009, pp. 369-372, Iasi, Romania.
  126. A. Nedelcu, R. Lupoaie, A. A. Enescu, C. Anghel, and C. Paleologu, “Spatial multiplexing turbo receiver with reduced complexity,” in Proc. IEEE SENSORCOMM, 2009, pp. 490-495, Athens, Greece.
  127. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, S. Ciochina, and C. Vladeanu, “Practical variable step-size adaptive algorithms for echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), 2009, pp. 181-188, Constanta, Romania.
  128. C. Paleologu, A. A. Enescu, S. Ciochina, and F. Albu, “QRD-LSL adaptive algorithms suitable for fixed-point implementation,” in Proc. IEEE Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), 2009, pp. 163-167, Venice, Italy. *Paper Award*
  129. C. Oprea, I. Pirnog, C. Paleologu, and R. M. Udrea, “Perceptual video quality assessment based on salient region detection,” in Proc. IEEE Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), 2009, pp. 232-236, Venice, Italy.
  130. C. Vladeanu, S. El Assad, J. C. Carlach, R. Quéré, and C. Paleologu, “Chaotic digital encoding for 2D trellis-coded modulation,” in Proc. IEEE Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT), 2009, pp. 152-157, Venice, Italy.
  131. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and Y. V. Zakharov, “Variable step size dichotomous coordinate descent affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE EUROCON, 2009, pp. 1366-1371, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  132. F. Albu, Y. V. Zakharov, and C. Paleologu, “Modified filtered-x dichotomous coordinate descent recursive affine projection algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2009, pp. 257-260, Taipei, Taiwan.
  133. F. Albu and C. Paleologu, “The variable step-size Gauss-Seidel pseudo affine projection algorithm,” 2009, pp. 642-645, in Proc. ICCSE, Dubai, UAE.
  134. I. Pirnog, C. Oprea, and C. Paleologu, “Image content extraction using a bottom-up visual attention model,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS), 2009, pp. 300-303, Cancun, Mexico.
  135. C. Paleologu and S. Ciochina, “A class of variable step-size NLMS and affine projection algorithms suitable for echo cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2008, pp. 118-123, Timisoara, Romania.
  136. C. Paleologu, J. Benesty, and S. Ciochina, “Robust variable step-size affine projection algorithm suitable for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2008, pp. 173-177, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  137. F. Albu and C. Paleologu, “New multichannel modified filtered-x algorithms for active noise control using the dichotomous coordinate descent method,” in Proc. Acoustics, 2008, pp. 5721-5725, Paris, France.
  138. F. Albu and C. Paleologu, “A recursive least square algorithm for active noise control based on the Gauss-Seidel method,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2008, pp. 830-833, Malta.
  139. I. Pirnog, C. Oprea, C. Paleologu, and D. N. Vizireanu, “Improved Minkowsky metric for image region partition,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI), 2008, pp. 80-84, Athens, Greece.
  140. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and J. Benesty, “Double-talk robust VSS-NLMS algorithm for under-modeling acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2008, pp. 245-248, Las Vegas, USA.
  141. C. Paleologu, F. Albu, A. A. Enescu, and S. Ciochina, “Square-root-free QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm with improved numerical robustness,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN), 2008, pp. 572-577, Cancun, Mexico. *Paper Award*
  142. I. Pirnog, R. M. Udrea, and C. Paleologu, “Efficient method for content extraction applied in multimedia communication,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN), 2008, pp. 202-206, Cancun, Mexico.
  143. A. F. Paun, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “LISS algorithm with modified length bias term in turbo equalization,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN), 2008, pp. 562-566, Cancun, Mexico.
  144. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, A. A. Enescu, and C. Vladeanu, “Gradient adaptive lattice algorithm suitable for fixed-point implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT), 2008, pp. 41-46, Bucharest, Romania.
  145. A. A. Enescu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “Reduced complexity decoder for orthogonal space-time codes when using QAM constellations,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS), 2008, pp. 190-194, Martinique.
  146. I. Pirnog, R. M. Udrea, and C. Paleologu, “An improved region growth method,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2008, pp. 129-132, Bucharest, Romania.
  147. R. Assaf, S. El Assad, C. Paleologu, Y. Harkous, and M. Zoaeter, “Adaptive Rbfnn equalizer for nonlinear time-varying channels,” in Proc. International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over Fixed and Mobile Networks (ISIVC), 2008 (4 pages), Bilbao, Spain.
  148. C. Paleologu, C. Vladeanu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, ”Generalized normalized gradient descent algorithm with direct update of the step-size parameter,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2007, vol. 1, pp. 181-184, Iasi, Romania.
  149. C. Paleologu, C. Vladeanu, and I. Bacalu, “Gradient adaptive lattice algorithm for MMSE receivers in DS-CDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Services and Networks Communications (ICSNC), 2007, pp. 27-32, Cap Esterel, France.
  150. C. Paleologu and C. Vladeanu, “On the behavior of LMS adaptive algorithm in MMSE receivers for DS-CDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI), 2007, pp. 12-17, Guadeloupe. *Paper Award*
  151. C. Vladeanu and C. Paleologu, “Optimum multilevel chaotic sequences for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems over Rician selective fading channel,” inProc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2007, pp. 474-478, Poznan, Poland.
  152. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and C. Vladeanu, “A family of QRD-LSL adaptive algorithms suitable for fixed-point implementation,” in Proc. of International Workshop “Infrastructures and Engineering for Knowledge Society,” Romanian Academy, 2007, pp. 72-79, Bucharest, Romania.
  153. C. Paleologu and C. Vladeanu, “Variable step-size NLMS algorithms for acoustic echo cancellation,” in Proc. of International Workshop “Services and software architectures, infrastructures and communications engineering for enhancing EU citizen's quality of life,” Romanian Academy, 2007, pp. 117-131, Bucharest, Romania.
  154. C. Vladeanu and C. Paleologu, “Fast adaptive MMSE-PIC multiple user detection receiver for DS-CDMA systems,” in Proc. of International Workshop “Services and software architectures, infrastructures and communications engineering for enhancing EU citizen's quality of life,” Romanian Academy, 2007, pp. 132-139, Bucharest, Romania.
  155. C. Paleologu, A. A. Enescu, and S. Ciochina, “Recursive least-squares lattice adaptive algorithm suitable for fixed-point implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2006, pp. 1105-1108, Nice, France.
  156. C. Paleologu, C. Vladeanu, and A. A. Enescu, “Lattice MMSE single user receiver for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2006, pp. 113-118, Timisoara, Romania.
  157. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “Low dynamics RLSL adaptive algorithm using a priori estimation errors,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI), 2006, pp. 47-52, Bucharest, Romania. *Paper Award*
  158. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and A. A. Enescu, “On the behaviour of LS adaptive algorithms in interference cancellation configuration,” in Proc. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES), 2006, vol. 2, pp. 725-729, Lodz, Poland.
  159. C. Vladeanu and C. Paleologu, “MMSE single user iterative receiver for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2006, pp. 227-230, Bucharest, Romania.
  160. A. A. Enescu, S. Ciochina, and C. Paleologu, “Adaptive interference cancellation: an unitary approach,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 569-572, Iasi, Romania.
  161. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “A low dynamics fast transversal filter adaptive algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2004, pp. 69-74, Timisoara, Romania.
  162. A. A. Enescu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “QRD-LSL algorithm suitable for implementation on DSP,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2004, pp. 165-169, Timisoara, Romania.
  163. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “A low dynamics recursive least-squares lattice adaptive algorithm,” in Proc. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES), 2004, pp. 195-198, Poznan, Poland.
  164. C. Paleologu and S. Ciochina, “A class of QRD-LSL adaptive algorithms with reduced dynamics of parameters,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2004, vol. 1, pp. 81-86, Bucharest, Romania.
  165. C. Paleologu and A. A. Enescu, “A family of square-root free QRD-LSL adaptive algorithms suitable for fixed-point implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 87-90, Bucharest, Romania.
  166. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and A. A. Enescu, “On the behaviour of RLS adaptive algorithm in fixed-point implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2003, vol. 1, pp. 57-60, Iasi, Romania.
  167. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “Modified GAL algorithm suitable for DSP implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2002, pp. 2-7, Timisoara, Romania.
  168. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “A simplified QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm in echo cancelling configuration,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 240-244, Beijing, China.
  169. F. Albu, C. Paleologu, and S. Ciochina, “Analysis of LNS implementation of QRD-LSL algorithms,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium CSNDSP, 2002, pp. 364-367, Stafford, UK.
  170. C. Paleologu, S. Ciochina, and A. A. Enescu, “Modified square root free QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm suitable for D.S.P. implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2002, pp. 475-480, Bucharest, Romania.
  171. C. Paleologu and S. Ciochina, “Modified QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm with lower computational complexity,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2001, pp. 269-272, Iasi, Romania.
  172. S. Ciochina and C. Paleologu, “On the performances of QRD-LSL adaptive algorithm in echo cancelling configuration,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 2001, vol. 1, pp. 563-567, Bucharest, Romania. *Paper Award*
  173. M. Raducanu, C. Paleologu, and A. Mateescu, “Modified compression algorithm using linear predictive coding,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2000, pp. 19-22, Bucharest, Romania.
  174. M. Raducanu, C. Paleologu, and A. Mateescu, “Wavelet packets compression using variable multirate for ECG signals,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference COMMUNICATIONS (COMM), 2000, pp. 15-18, Bucharest, Romania.
  175. S. Ciochina, C. Paleologu, and C. Budianu, “The IIR-RLS adaptive algorithm: a general approach and simplified versions,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 1999, pp. 171-174, Iasi, Romania.