Universitatea "Politehnica" Bucuresti




















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  1. Aspecte generale cu privire la administrarea spectrului
  2. Radio definit prin program
  3. Cognitive Radio
  4. Administarea spectrului si Tehnologia Radio Cognitiv
  5. Tehnologii implicate
  6. Standarde implicate în administrarea dinamica a spectrului
  7. Coexistenta a diverse tehnologii

1.Aspecte generale cu privire la administrarea spectrului
[WHKJ] Weiss T., Hillenbrand J., Krohn A., Jondral F.K., Efficient Signaling of Spectral Resources in Spectrum Pooling Systems, SCVT, 2003
[VXX1] S. Verdu, "Spectral Efficiency in the Wideband Regime", IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Special Issue on Shannon Theory: Perspectives, Trends and Applications, vol. 48, pp. 1319-1343, June 2002.


2.Radio definit prin program
[BKX1] Bard J., Kovarik Jr. V., Software Defined Radio: The Software Communications Architecture, John Wiley&Sons Ltd., 2007
[BXX1] Burns P, Software Defined Radio for 3G, Artech House, 2003
[DXX1] M. Dillinger, etc, Software Defined Radio Architecture, Systems and Functions, ISBN: 0-470-85164-3, John Wiley, May, 2003
[HKM1] Harada, H., Kuroda, M., Morikawa, H., Wakana, H., and Adachi, F., (2003). The Overview of the New Generation Mobile Communication System and the Role of Software Defined Radio Technology, IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E86-B, No. 12, December, pp. 3374 - 3384
[HXX1] S. Haykin, Cognitive radio: brain-empowered wireless communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume 23, Issue 2, Feb. 2005 Pp. 201-220.
[KXX1] Kenington P., "RF and Baseband Techniques for Software Defined radios", Artech House, 2005
[MXX1] J. Mitola,"Cognitive radio: An integrated agent architecture for software defined radio", Doctor of Technology, Royal Inst. Technol. (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, 2000.
[MXX2] J. Mitola, Software Radio Architecture-Object Oriented Approaches to Wireless Systems Engineering, Wiley, 2000
[SDR1] Software Defined Radio forum: www.sdrforum.org[UXX1] The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP)


3.Cognitive Radio
[WXX1] Walko, J., Cognitive radio, IEE Review, Volume 51, Issue 5, May 2005 Page(s):34 - 37
[CMWB] ?abri? D., Mishra S. M., Willkomm D., Brodersen R, A Cognitive Radio Approach for Usage of Virtual Unlicensed Spectrum, Proc. of 14th IST Mobile Wireless Communications Summit 2005, Dresden, Germany, June 2005
[PXX1] Poole, I, ;What exactly is... cognitive radio?, Communications Engineer, Volume 3, Issue 5, Oct.-Nov. 2005 Pp.42 - 43
[INT1] Cognitive Radio, www.Radio-Electronics.com
[FCC1] Federal Communications Commission, Cognitive Radio Technologies Proceeding (CRTP), http://www.fcc.gov/oet/cognitiveradio/.[HTS1] Hoven N., Tandra R., Sahai A., Some Fundamental Limits on Cognitive Radio, Wireless Foundations, EECS, University of California at Berkeley, February 11, 2005
[JXX1] Jondral F.K., Cognitive Radio - A Necessity for Spectrum Pooling, Paris, March 28, 2006
[STMH] Sahai A., Tandra R., Mishra S. M., Hoven N., Fundamental Design Tradeoffs in Cognitive Radio
[SXX1] Suzuki, Y. (2002). Interoperability and Regulatory Issues around Software Defined Radio (SDR) Implementation, IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E85-B, No. 12, pp. 2564-2572, December


4.Administarea spectrului si Tehnologia Radio Cognitiv
[MES1] Minden, G.J.; Evans, J.B.; Searl, L.S.; Depardo, D.; Rajbanshi, R.; Guffey, J.; Chen, Q.; Newman, T.R.; Petty, V.R.; Weidling, F.; Peck, M.; Cordill, B.; Datla, D.; Barker, B.; Agah, "A.;Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum Access - An Agile Radio for Wireless Innovation", IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 pp. :113 - 121
[ALV1] Ian F. Akyildiz, Won-Yeol Lee, Mehmet C. Vuran, and Shantidev Mohanty, "NeXt generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey," Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 50, pp. 2127-2159, September 2006.
[DKK1] P. Demestichas, N. Koutsouris, G. Koundourakis, K. Tsagkaris, A. Oikonomou, V. Stavroulaki, L. Papadopoulou, M. Theologou, G. Vivier, K.El-Khazen, "Management of networks and services in a composite radio context", IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag., Vol. 10, No. 4, Aug. 2003, pp. 44-51
[HFA1] O. Holland, Q. Fan, A. H. Aghvami, "A Dynamic Hierarchical Radio Resource Allocation Scheme for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE PIMRC 2004, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004

[CXX1] M. Cave, "Review of Radio Spectrum Management," UK Department of Trade and Industry, 2002, Available at: http://www.spectrumreview.radio.gov.uk/[XXX1] Wireless Center, All Wireless Artcles, posted on the 10'th of January 2007, available at http://www.wireless-center.net.

[DDG1] G. Dimitrakopoulos, P. Demestichas, D. Grandblaise, et all, Cognitive Radio, Spectrum and Radio Resource Management, White paper of Wireless World Research Forum, Working Group 6, 2004.
[CLX1] Chapin, J.M.; Lehr, W.H., "Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum Access - The Path to Market Success for Dynamic Spectrum Access Technology", IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 Pp. 96 - 103
[KWD1] Krenik, W.; Wyglinski, A.M.; Doyle, L.E.; Guest Editorial - Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum Access, IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 Page(s):64 - 65
[DGA1] M. Dohler, S.A. Ghorashi, M. Ghozzi, M. Arndt, F. Said, A.H. Aghvami, "Opportunistic Scheduling using Cognitive Radio", Elsevier Science Journal, Special Issue on Cognitive Radio, vol. 7, pp. 805-815, September 2006.
[DMT1] Devroye, N.; Mitran, P.; Tarokh, V., Achievable rates in cognitive radio channels, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Volume 52, Issue 5, May 2006 Pp.1813 - 1827
[ZSP1] Xiaorong Zhu; Lianfeng Shen; Tak-Shing Peter Yum, Analysis of Cognitive Radio Spectrum Access with Optimal Channel Reservation, Comm. Letters, Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2007 Pp:304 - 306
[KXX1] Rajesh Krishnan "Towards Policy Defined Cognitive Radios,", NSF Workshop on Programmable Wireless Networking Information Meeting, 5 February 2004; available at: www.cra.org/Activities/workshops/ sf.wireless/BBN_Krishnan2.pdf

[HDH1] M. Haddad, M. Debbah and A.M. Hayar, "Spectral efficiency of Cognitive Radio systems," submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2007, Nice, France.
[DVK1] P. Demestichas, G. Vivier, K.El-Khazen, M. Theologou, "Evolution in wireless systems management concepts: from composite radio to reconfigurability", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp.90-98, May 2004


5.Tehnologii implicate
[DVB1] Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Web site, www.dvb.org, Jan. 2002
[IEE4] IEEE 802.11h standard, http:// www.ieee 802.org
[RFX1] Rocha da Silva M.W., Ferreira de Rezende J., A Dynamic Channel Allocation Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Networks, ITS 2006, September 3-6, Fortaleza-Ce, Brazil
[BXX1] Bing B., Next generation Broadband, IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecture


6.Standarde implicate în administrarea dinamica a spectrului
[IEE6] www.ieee802.org[IEE1] IEEE 802.22-04/0002r13, "WRAN Reference Model," IEEE P802.22 [5] Doc. A/54A, Recommended Practice: Guide to the Use of the ATSC Digital Television Standard, Dec. 2003.
[HWA1] Hu, W.; Willkomm, D.; Abusubaih, M.; Gross, J.; Vlantis, G.; Gerla, M.; Wolisz, A., COGNITIVE RADIOS FOR DYNAMIC SPECTRUM ACCESS - Dynamic Frequency Hopping Communities for Efficient IEEE 802.22 Operation, IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 Pp. 80 - 87
[IEE2] IEEE 802.22-05/0007r48, "Functional Requirements for the 802.22 WRAN Standard," IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs, Nov. 2006.
[IEE3] IEEE 802.22-06/0252r1, "OFDMA Parameters," IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs, Nov. 2006.
[IEE5] Detailed scope of IEEE 802.16h standard, http://www.wirelessman.org[MXX1] Martigne P., Overview of some standardization activities on Cognitive Radio, ETSI Workshop on SDR/CR, Sophia Antipolis, 09.02.2007
[VXX2] U.Varshney, "The status and future of 802.11-based WLANs", IEEE Computer, Vol. 36, No. 6, June 2003
[ITU1] ITU-R Report BS.1203-1, Digital Sound Broadcasting to Vehicular, Portable, and Fixed Receivers Using Terrestrial Transmitter in the UHF/VHF Bands, 1994.


7.Coexistenta a diverse tehnologii
[YHC1] Young-Keun Yoon, Heon-Jin Hong, and Ik-Guen Choi Young-Keun Yoon et al. Protection of Digital TV from Cognitive Radio Interference, ETRI Journal, Volume 29, Number 3, pp.394..397, June 2007
[ITU2] ITU-R Recommendation BT.1368-1, Planning Criteria for Digital Terrestrial Television Services in the VHF/UHF Bands, 1998.

[MIK1] Manolakis D., Ingle V., Kogon S., "Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing", Artech House, 2005
[KXX1] Kron A., "Superimposed Radio Signals for Wireless Sensor Networks"
[KBDR] Krohn A., Beigl M., Decker C., Riedel T., Zimmer T., " The Implementation of Non-Coherent Cooperative Transmission for Wireless Sensor Networks"
[LPJ1] Lupea D., Pursche U., Jentschel H.-J., "Loopback Spectral Signature Analysis", IEEE Magazine, 2003
[WHKJ] Weiss T., Hillenbrand J., Krohn A., Jondral F.K, " Synchronization Algorithms and Preamble Concepts for Spectrum Pooling Systems",
[WHKJ] Weiss T., Hillenbrand J., Krohn A., Jondral F.K, " Mutual Interference in OFDM-based Spectrum Pooling Systems"

[EUR1] http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?Type=TA&Reference =P6-TA-2007-0041&language=EN[BRX1] T. Bates and Y. Rekhter, RFC 2260: Scalable Support for Multi-homed Multi-provider Connectivity. IETF, January, 1998
