- Aspecte generale cu privire la administrarea spectrului
- Radio
definit prin program
- Cognitive
- Administarea spectrului si Tehnologia Radio Cognitiv
- Tehnologii implicate
- Standarde implicate în administrarea dinamica a spectrului
- Coexistenta a diverse tehnologii
1.Aspecte generale cu privire la administrarea spectrului
[WHKJ] Weiss T., Hillenbrand J., Krohn A., Jondral F.K., Efficient Signaling of Spectral Resources
in Spectrum Pooling Systems, SCVT, 2003
[VXX1] S. Verdu, "Spectral Efficiency in the
Wideband Regime", IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Special Issue on
Shannon Theory: Perspectives, Trends and Applications, vol. 48, pp.
1319-1343, June 2002.
2.Radio definit prin program
[BKX1] Bard J., Kovarik Jr. V., Software Defined
Radio: The Software Communications Architecture, John Wiley&Sons
Ltd., 2007
[BXX1] Burns P, Software Defined Radio for 3G, Artech
House, 2003
[DXX1] M. Dillinger, etc, Software Defined Radio
Architecture, Systems and Functions, ISBN: 0-470-85164-3, John Wiley, May,
[HKM1] Harada, H., Kuroda, M., Morikawa, H., Wakana, H., and Adachi, F., (2003). The Overview of the
New Generation Mobile Communication System and the Role of Software Defined
Radio Technology, IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E86-B,
No. 12, December, pp. 3374 - 3384
[HXX1] S. Haykin, Cognitive radio: brain-empowered
wireless communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
Volume 23, Issue 2, Feb. 2005 Pp. 201-220.
[KXX1] Kenington P., "RF and Baseband Techniques for Software Defined radios", Artech House, 2005
[MXX1] J. Mitola,"Cognitive radio: An
integrated agent architecture for software defined radio", Doctor of
Technology, Royal Inst. Technol. (KTH), Stockholm,
Sweden, 2000.
[MXX2] J. Mitola, Software Radio Architecture-Object
Oriented Approaches to Wireless Systems Engineering, Wiley, 2000
Wiley, 2006
[SDR1] Software Defined Radio forum: www.sdrforum.org[UXX1] The Universal
Software Radio Peripheral (USRP)
3.Cognitive Radio
[WXX1] Walko, J., Cognitive radio, IEE Review,
Volume 51, Issue 5, May 2005 Page(s):34 - 37
[CMWB] ?abri? D., Mishra
S. M., Willkomm D., Brodersen
R, A Cognitive Radio Approach for Usage of Virtual Unlicensed Spectrum, Proc.
of 14th IST Mobile Wireless Communications Summit 2005, Dresden, Germany,
June 2005
[PXX1] Poole, I, ;What exactly is... cognitive radio?, Communications
Engineer, Volume 3, Issue 5, Oct.-Nov. 2005 Pp.42 - 43
[INT1] Cognitive Radio, www.Radio-Electronics.com
[FCC1] Federal Communications Commission, Cognitive Radio Technologies
Proceeding (CRTP), http://www.fcc.gov/oet/cognitiveradio/.[HTS1] Hoven N., Tandra R., Sahai A., Some Fundamental Limits on Cognitive Radio,
Wireless Foundations, EECS, University of California at Berkeley, February
11, 2005
[JXX1] Jondral F.K., Cognitive Radio - A Necessity
for Spectrum Pooling, Paris, March 28, 2006
[STMH] Sahai A., Tandra
R., Mishra S. M., Hoven
N., Fundamental Design Tradeoffs in Cognitive Radio
[SXX1] Suzuki, Y. (2002). Interoperability and Regulatory Issues around
Software Defined Radio (SDR) Implementation, IEICE Trans. Commun.,
Vol. E85-B, No. 12, pp. 2564-2572, December
4.Administarea spectrului si Tehnologia Radio Cognitiv
[MES1] Minden, G.J.; Evans, J.B.; Searl, L.S.; Depardo, D.; Rajbanshi, R.; Guffey, J.; Chen, Q.; Newman, T.R.; Petty, V.R.; Weidling, F.; Peck, M.; Cordill,
B.; Datla, D.; Barker, B.; Agah,
"A.;Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum
Access - An Agile Radio for Wireless Innovation", IEEE Comm. Magazine,
Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 pp. :113 - 121
[ALV1] Ian F. Akyildiz, Won-Yeol
Lee, Mehmet C. Vuran, and
Shantidev Mohanty, "NeXt generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio
wireless networks: A survey," Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier), Vol.
50, pp. 2127-2159, September 2006.
[DKK1] P. Demestichas, N. Koutsouris,
G. Koundourakis, K. Tsagkaris,
A. Oikonomou, V. Stavroulaki,
L. Papadopoulou, M. Theologou,
G. Vivier, K.El-Khazen,
"Management of networks and services in a composite radio context",
IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag.,
Vol. 10, No. 4, Aug. 2003, pp. 44-51
[HFA1] O. Holland, Q. Fan, A. H. Aghvami, "A
Dynamic Hierarchical Radio Resource Allocation Scheme for Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks," IEEE PIMRC 2004, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004
[CXX1] M. Cave, "Review of Radio Spectrum Management," UK
Department of Trade and Industry, 2002, Available at:
http://www.spectrumreview.radio.gov.uk/[XXX1] Wireless Center, All Wireless Artcles, posted on the 10'th of January 2007, available
at http://www.wireless-center.net.
[DDG1] G. Dimitrakopoulos, P. Demestichas,
D. Grandblaise, et all, Cognitive Radio, Spectrum
and Radio Resource Management, White paper of Wireless World Research Forum,
Working Group 6, 2004.
[CLX1] Chapin, J.M.; Lehr, W.H., "Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum
Access - The Path to Market Success for Dynamic Spectrum Access
Technology", IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 Pp. 96 -
[KWD1] Krenik, W.; Wyglinski,
A.M.; Doyle, L.E.; Guest Editorial - Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum
Access, IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2007 Page(s):64 - 65
[DGA1] M. Dohler, S.A. Ghorashi,
M. Ghozzi, M. Arndt, F. Said, A.H. Aghvami, "Opportunistic Scheduling using Cognitive
Radio", Elsevier Science Journal, Special Issue on Cognitive Radio, vol.
7, pp. 805-815, September 2006.
[DMT1] Devroye, N.; Mitran,
P.; Tarokh, V., Achievable rates in cognitive radio
channels, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Volume 52, Issue 5, May 2006
Pp.1813 - 1827
[ZSP1] Xiaorong Zhu; Lianfeng
Shen; Tak-Shing Peter
Yum, Analysis of Cognitive Radio Spectrum Access with Optimal Channel
Reservation, Comm. Letters, Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2007 Pp:304 - 306
[KXX1] Rajesh Krishnan "Towards Policy Defined Cognitive Radios,",
NSF Workshop on Programmable Wireless Networking Information Meeting, 5
February 2004; available at: www.cra.org/Activities/workshops/
[HDH1] M. Haddad, M. Debbah and A.M. Hayar, "Spectral efficiency of Cognitive Radio
systems," submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory, 2007, Nice, France.
[DVK1] P. Demestichas, G. Vivier,
K.El-Khazen, M. Theologou,
"Evolution in wireless systems management concepts: from composite radio
to reconfigurability", IEEE Communications
Magazine, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp.90-98, May 2004
5.Tehnologii implicate
[DVB1] Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Web site, www.dvb.org, Jan. 2002
[IEE4] IEEE 802.11h standard, http:// www.ieee
[RFX1] Rocha da Silva M.W., Ferreira de Rezende J., A Dynamic Channel Allocation Mechanism for
IEEE 802.11 Networks, ITS 2006, September 3-6, Fortaleza-Ce,
[BXX1] Bing B., Next generation Broadband, IEEE Communications Society
Distinguished Lecture
6.Standarde implicate în administrarea dinamica
a spectrului
[IEE6] www.ieee802.org[IEE1] IEEE 802.22-04/0002r13, "WRAN Reference
Model," IEEE P802.22 [5] Doc. A/54A, Recommended Practice: Guide to the
Use of the ATSC Digital Television Standard, Dec. 2003.
[HWA1] Hu, W.; Willkomm,
D.; Abusubaih, M.; Gross, J.; Vlantis,
G.; Gerla, M.; Wolisz,
Communities for Efficient IEEE 802.22 Operation, IEEE Comm. Magazine, Volume
45, Issue 5, May 2007 Pp. 80 - 87
[IEE2] IEEE 802.22-05/0007r48, "Functional Requirements for the 802.22
WRAN Standard," IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs,
Nov. 2006.
[IEE3] IEEE 802.22-06/0252r1, "OFDMA Parameters," IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs, Nov. 2006.
[IEE5] Detailed scope of IEEE 802.16h standard,
http://www.wirelessman.org[MXX1] Martigne P., Overview
of some standardization activities on Cognitive Radio, ETSI Workshop on
SDR/CR, Sophia Antipolis, 09.02.2007
[VXX2] U.Varshney, "The status and future of
802.11-based WLANs", IEEE Computer, Vol. 36,
No. 6, June 2003
[ITU1] ITU-R Report BS.1203-1, Digital Sound Broadcasting to Vehicular,
Portable, and Fixed Receivers Using Terrestrial Transmitter in the UHF/VHF
Bands, 1994.
7.Coexistenta a diverse tehnologii
[YHC1] Young-Keun Yoon, Heon-Jin
Hong, and Ik-Guen Choi
Young-Keun Yoon et al. Protection of Digital TV
from Cognitive Radio Interference, ETRI Journal, Volume 29, Number 3,
pp.394..397, June 2007
[ITU2] ITU-R Recommendation BT.1368-1, Planning Criteria for Digital
Terrestrial Television Services in the VHF/UHF Bands, 1998.
[MIK1] Manolakis D., Ingle V., Kogon
S., "Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing", Artech House, 2005
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[KBDR] Krohn A., Beigl
M., Decker C., Riedel T., Zimmer T., " The Implementation of Non-Coherent
Cooperative Transmission for Wireless Sensor Networks"
[LPJ1] Lupea D., Pursche
U., Jentschel H.-J., "Loopback
Spectral Signature Analysis", IEEE Magazine, 2003
[WHKJ] Weiss T., Hillenbrand J., Krohn A., Jondral F.K, " Synchronization Algorithms and
Preamble Concepts for Spectrum Pooling Systems",
[WHKJ] Weiss T., Hillenbrand J., Krohn A., Jondral F.K, " Mutual Interference in OFDM-based
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[EUR1] http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?Type=TA&Reference
=P6-TA-2007-0041&language=EN[BRX1] T. Bates and Y. Rekhter,
RFC 2260: Scalable Support for Multi-homed Multi-provider Connectivity. IETF,
January, 1998